
Tagged ‘Planting Plans‘
Inspiration in Your Garden

Inspiration in Your Garden

Think about the colour combinations when creating a garden, as well as considering the shape and sculptural elements.  Does it flow?  It may be the leaves rather than the flowers that are the main feature of the plant. These plants are valuable in your garden for all year round interest.  Is there a point of focus somewhere in your garden at any time of the year?   Do the plants compliment the style and colour of your house?  The right plant in the right place can disguise or enhance a wall.          Does your garden make you smile?







There are many shades of purple in these flowers. This striking plant ‘Tibouchina granulosa’ with it’s velvety green leaves and mauve purple flowers in Autumn is an uplifting addition for your garden. Purple is made up of the warmest and the coolest colours, red and blue. A balance of the stimulating red and the calming blue.




Fiona Small, Sienna Design – Garden Design and Planting Plans

Colour Schemes For Your Garden

Garden Design  – Planting Plans

Garden Design Concepts & Planting Plans





Garden Concepts

Great landscaping should enhance and compliment the colour and design of your house.

Colour and Plants

Garden design

Lush new spring growth in this garden, designed and planted for all year colour and inspiration.

Fiona Small, Qualified Landscape Designer at Sienna Design