More Stunning Art

11933 Blackmore J, 'Tenacity' .jpg

Jane Blackmore  – ‘Tenacity’

11935 Blackmore, J 'Fantails Dance'.jpg

Jane Blackmore –  ‘Fantails’

11966 - Stewart Nicki - Rondel .jpg

Nicki Stewart – ‘Rondel’

These paintings are 3 of my favourites, available from Art Bureau. For more paintings click on the Art Bureau link on the right side of the screen.

If you are looking for paintings or sculptures for your home or workspace, I can source the perfect artwork for your space.

I do take Art Tours around Auckland (4 people) maximum. We visit a selection of Art Galleries, and Artist’s Studios, and the compulsory cafe of course!  Get a group of friends together for a fun and informative 4 hours. Call me for more details.  – Fiona